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A Christmas Wish

Somewhere amid the hustle and bustle this Christmas, in between the traffic and the cookies, the giving and receiving of gifts, I hope you will find a moment of peace to acknowledge a gift you may have forgotten all about. You.

You are one of a kind. You are special. You, just as you are, are enough. Your life and experiences are a gift to you and to the world around you. There is no one else that can bring all that you do to the table. Your history, good and bad, is what makes you unique.

Often, the things we wish to forget about ourselves and our past, are the very things that enable us to help others in their journey. You can never know all of the positive ways you have touched the lives of others nor could you know all of the ways you may bring joy and comfort to others in the future.

So my Christmas wish for you, is that you would take a moment and be grateful for yourself and the blessing that you are…

Until Soon,


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